Satellite Provision

The Ormiston Kensington Queensmill satellite provision (formerly Kensington Queensmill satellite provision) opened at Avondale Park Primary School in September 2023. While the provision opened with just one classroom, it steadily expanded in its first year with a second classroom established by January 2024. Further expansion took place a year later with a Key Stage 2 classroom newly opened for September 2024. Currently, the provision provides for a total of 21 autistic children each of whom have an Education Health Care Plan (EHCP). Students attending the satellite are officially enrolled at Ormiston Kensington Queensmill School but enjoy many benefits being a part of Avondale Park’s mainstream community.

Of the three classrooms, Bramley, Elgin and Portland class, each is staffed by a Qualified Teacher, Higher Level Teaching Assistant and 1-2 Teaching Assistants. All Teachers are employed by Ormiston Kensington Queensmill and have robust experience teaching children with additional needs. The provision is overseen by a Lead Teacher and Phase Leader who work collaboratively to ensure the successful day-to-day running of the satellite. A Speech and Language Therapist, and Therapy Assistant, provide direct sessions and universal support to all children on a weekly basis. All staff are trained in autism and have access to ongoing autism and curriculum training, provided by Ormiston Kensington Queensmill School.

Class sizes at the satellite are purposefully kept small to ensure children’s learning and autism needs can be met. The classrooms follow low-arousal principles, with designated areas for learning and access to an outdoor playground which includes bikes, scooters and a trampoline. Children are taught to use their personalised schedules to navigate the school day with as much independence as possible. Staff provide support to children where required but they encourage children to have a go and learn through their own exploration and experience. Children follow adapted National Curriculums in line with Ormiston Kensington Queensmill School and this includes following the Dandelion Phonics scheme and White Rose Maths. As an autism-specific provision, there is a strong emphasis on meeting children’s personal development needs and this includes work around developing competencies in social communication and emotion regulation. Children learn how to share, wait, take turns, request and tolerate or include others in their work or play space; they learn how to identify and manage their own emotions and build resilience to change. There is an emphasis on creativity and sensory play, as well as outdoor and indoor learning. Children learn vital life skills through other activities such as cooking, PE and accessing the community. Admissions to the satellite provision are via the Local Authority.